If you happen to lose your home keys, a lock rekey is the next step you must take. Rekey means changing your lock code. In a situation when you need a rekey done to your locks, Sure Lock & Security technicians will carefully take the lock apart and replace your locking pins with new working ones. As soon as this is done, your old keys will not be workable as they will no longer be able to operate the new locks. But this process should not be taken lightly. Only a well-trained locksmith can handle this task effectively and proficiently. That is why we make sure that our technicians are experts in all areas of locksmith tasks and services. You can trust the technicians at Sure Lock & Security to properly handle your locks regarding your rekey concern.
Our major goal at Sure Lock & Security is to provide service that is secure and efficient. We take customer satisfaction very dear to our hearts, which is why we go the extra mile to make sure that our clients are always left with a positive experience. We will attend your concern with extreme care and attentiveness and ensure to give you the best of our service. At Sure Lock & Security, we take responsibility to provide you a positive experience regarding your rekey concern.
Give us a call at (602) 510-1769 today regarding your Rekey inquiries and we can schedule a consultation that would best fit your schedule.